Summ-aaarr Fun

Well I tried to wait to write this next blog until we were less busy, or I had fewer papers to grade, or had a profound series of deeply meaningful thoughts to write about.  Yes, yes, this is where we all laugh uproariously and remind Carly that parenthood is kind of the opposite of that adorable little list of goals.

So for those of you who actually read this (and I thank you) for Adalyn updates, here’s the latest and greatest in the Land of Toddlerdom.  Everyone asks about talking. Is she talking? What is she saying? So far, our munchkin has been a bit of a late-talker – not to be confused with Seinfeld’s low-talker, for her volume is in fact stellar (take a bow, Carly Genes). However, while other toddlers seem to be delivering Obama-level rhetoric, complete with pauses, hand gestures, and perfect annunciation, Adalyn’s speeches tend to go more along these lines…

Ah! Nana! Nana! Ta, deese.  Pop? …Bye! [waves]”  This translates roughly to “Oh hey Granny! You brought your shiny car again. May I please play with every button in it again? Is Pops with you? Oh, I see he must have left for work.”

We are otherwise pulling up to the transitions of TWO. For example:  
-Opportunities for Excitement: Her attention span is hilarious[1]. She is as easily distracted as the dog in Up (“Squirrel!”), by things like planes, trucks, buses, boats, water, doors, shoes, people, chalk, sticks, food, babies, fans, bugs, and animals of any type.  Instead of yelling “Squirrel!” like the rest of us upon seeing her favorite things, she will do something like continuously pant like a dog or starts meowing loudly every time we pass a house where they own a pet.  It’s really too bad there are no lions; she has a fabulous roar.

-Where the Potty At?  We have a miniature potty squeezed into our already-tiny bathroom where Adalyn likes to sit these days. She likes to be completely naked and read a book, preferably one of the pop-ups. We have had actual tinkle one time, and I’m fairly sure it was a fluke.  Who cares! We still sang the Potty Song! 

-Tantrums. Tantrums can occur for a variety of bizarre and predictably unpredictable things. For example, putting her shoe on the foot she did not want it on. Or refusal to let her eat tooth paste, or Wallie’s dog food, or attempting to spend more than 3 seconds putting up her Cousin-It-Like-Hair. Also: vegetables.  At this, my parents smile smugly and say, “paybacks.”

-Outgrowing Crib. We hear thunks often in the night of her running into the sides. Whoops. She also climbed out of her pack n’ play at Jean’s while Sheaff and I were at a Jimmy Buffet concert. We are now prepping the site for a Big Girl Room. And by prepping the site, I mean we moved the Duke Room upstairs to clear the space for her new room. And by we, I mean Ty and Sheaff. I tried helping with a little “Wingardium leviosa,” but I don’t think I had the wrist-flick down. Or a wand. (#Muggle Problems).

At home, life is a routine of books, blocks, coloring, walks, and enjoying each other and our new friends.  Out and about, Adalyn’s favorite places this summer are also mine so far. The front sidewalk, where every chalk color is ‘buh’ and we draw pictures for Daddy to come home to regularly.  The Sprayground, a fantastically chaotic mini-water-park for kids to run screaming through buckets of water being dumped on them, sprinklers, and fountains. 

We often visit the market, where a very cool Bostonian woman gives her Wicked Good Chocolate Chip cookies from her stand.  We still hit up story times at Amazement Square and the library, resulting in later singing “Baby Shark” at least 15 times a day. As a former Camp Kum Ba Yah counselor, you can imagine my delight in this.

Thankfully, Adalyn also loves the beach. She runs in circles, steals other people’s food, sits in the waves and laughs hysterically when they hit her face, and manages to get 7 tons of sand in every crevice possible.  It’s remarkable.  She did get to help Terry drive the boat recently, which has led to a new obsession with both Terry and boats (smart kid). Uncle Ty is currently teaching her how to make pirate noises, so we’ll continue that progress; perhaps she can commandeer[2] us a pretty boat one day as a professional pirate[3]

  This is our little beach bum crabbie. 

Speaking of pirates: weddings!!  We love weddings![4] This weekend, we get to stand beside my wonderful brother and soon-to-be sister as they say their vows; we get to chase the flower girl and teach her how to dance to Fat Bottom Girls and Shout, and show her the joy of celebrating her Uncle Ty and Aunt Casey and how much they love each other. Hurray!

Happiness and sunshine to all! Or, as Adalyn would say, “Dis, ah, oof… BYE!”

[1][1] I know. Mine is great, too.
[2] Nautical term.
[3] You don’t have to wear a suit.
[4] For those of you who love pirate-movie-references, you’re welcome. Nailed it. 


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