Christmas Letter 2019
Dear Friends,
They say life gets busier with three kids. Whoever ‘they’
are appears to be correct, as the verdict is still out whether this letter will
actually be finished or even go in the mail before Bryce gets to
kindergarten. I tried delegating this to
the kids to see if they would write it for me. When I asked them what they’d
say about the year, Bria’s input was “I love purple!,” Bryce brought me
Wallie’s leash, and Addie said “This is boring; let’s play SCHOOL!” Honestly, it’s not the worst summary of 2019.
You may notice that our address has changed. Earlier this
year, we discovered the joy of moving with three kids (and what fun that
process is), but are now happily settled in, a whole 8 minutes from our old
house, which I still drive by and thank for its many wonderful memories. We thought our new one wouldn’t be a
fixer-upper, so naturally, there’s been about 5892 projects that needed some
Chip-and-Joanna-style love, and 3021 more to keep us on our toes for 2020. As
the girls tell anyone who will listen, New House has a lovely set of woods in
the back for exploring and for interesting encounters with wildlife (Sheaff
keeping an ever-sharp eye out for bears), a great yard for our hooligans, and
space inside for the them to destr-I mean, enjoy. It does seem like a good home sweet home! Come
These days, Addie is into math, Harry Potter, carefully-chosen
outfits that reflect the activities for the day, cooking, sort-of playing
violin, directing her sister and brother, plays at her school, and making
things- anything she can come up with. Bria loves finding all puddles and muddy
areas, beating us all in Go Fish, reminding friends to follow rules, painting,
her purple room, and would gladly never wear pants again. Bryce currently boasts a huge vocabulary, which
mainly consists of ‘dog’ and ‘ball.’ He, too, loves dirt, and removing it from
house plants. He loves being held. Being put down. Being held again. He runs
more than he walks, and loves dancing to the Get Up. He loves shoes, eating
cheese, blowing kisses, and books, as long as there is either a dog or ball in
them. We are so thankful for his toothy smile and occasional moments of quiet
cuddles. We all continue to remember Abram, in the many ways and places his
sweet spirit finds us throughout the year. His legacy remains one of love and
The girls tried soccer this fall, and we’re going to see if
we can all handle the basketball chaos this winter without being heavily
sedated. This year, we had farmhouse pirate-boat-building adventures, first
jumps off the diving board at the pool, led by Bria; Charlottesville
celebrations of Oma hitting 90; DC and Pennsylvania exploring; Great Wolf Lodge
with the cousins, and plenty of school fun. The girls were flower girls in
Sarah and Ernsts’ wedding this summer, and Sheaff got named as one of
Lynchburg’s Millennials on the Move, which basically means he’s a cool,
professionally-awesome, not-quite-technically-old-yet dude. I’m still teaching writing
at University of Lynchburg, while playing with the kiddos the rest of the time,
and loving both.
Life is busy, but grand. I probably forgot at least 50% of other
Sheaffer Family Updates, but hey, this letter is nearly finished, so I’m going
to call it a win. Excuse all typos; Wallie was in charge of proofreading. Now
to find a picture where we are all looking at the camera and no kid is picking
their nose! We’ll see what we can do!
Best wishes for a warm and wonderful New Year,
Carly, Sheaff, Adalyn, Bria, Bryce and Wallie
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