A Blog

I’m pretty sure most blogs have a purpose.  Some sort of string that would hold together the loose and random beads that make up my thoughts these days. I would imagine that many parents go through something like this, where they want to express this journey that they are traveling. To vent on the days during which everything goes wrong; to smile about the days during which everything goes right, and to process the every-day in between.  You know, the blur of roadtrips with a baby, of trying baby’s first big kid food, of the lessons we learn as parents, the trials of naptime and bedtime routines, the milestones, the playdates and park visits and the insignificant details that currently make up the most significant thing we’ve ever done, which is to raise a tiny human while trying not to screw up too badly.

One of my pet peeves about some of these blogs I read here and there is that they all sound the same after a while.  “Parenthood is beautiful, but parenthood is so hard.” Blah blah blah…. My friends and I say it all the time, yet it annoys me that there is no unique way to put it now.  And Everyone is doing it, these types of blogs, anyway. But I’m realizing there’s a reason why, and it’s just that we want to share our story, cliche as the chapters may be.  So.  I’m jumping on the bandwagon to share our world of blah blah blah. We’ll see where it goes (if it goes), and if it’s merely a place for Adalyn’s great-grandmother to read about the latest and greatest in our household, so be it. The purpose of the blog may simply be that in itself: a purpose. Something that holds all these loose thoughts  of my semi-functional brain together.  It may not be as gnarly as her Pop’s beard, or as full of Kitteh Plots to Overtake the World that made our family laugh for days, but it will be fun for us, and that’s all a new mom can ask for. [1]

[1] A new mom can in fact ask for a great deal more, but in order to wrap up a rather simplistic and not-so-thought-out introduction, we’ll just ignore those many things which can include but are not excluded to chocolate, beer, elastic pants that don’t show stains easily, short lines at Kroger, quiet neighborhoods at naptime, and an hour long massage in which she is responsible for no one. 


  1. I adore that you have footnotes in your blog. #somethingdifferent


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