
Showing posts from August, 2013

A New Title

I’m dreading it.”  I think that is the most common answer I hear from moms or dads who are about to return to work from their months of maternity or paternity leave. Their shoulders slump; they sigh loudly; their eyes anxiously dart to their little one, as though in that instant they can drink up every detail and every second that ticks by.  Having many friends who have returned back to work, we know the world will continue spinning; their baby will continue growing and thriving; they will continue to find their new balance and routine and everyone will be fine. I have pangs of sympathy, admiration, relief, a minuscule twinge of jealousy, and a bit of sadness to see a daytime friend move to their next chapter. But mainly, relief. To be home.   It’s asked often, right after how does the baby sleep. “Have you gone back to work yet, Carly?” Part of me almost responds with the tiny, tiny voice of regret, who intermittently longs for color-coded planners and meetings, a...

How Is Adalyn

People always ask us how the baby is. “Oh she’s awesome!” we reply, even if she is yanking down my shirt in public while Sheaff is picking up the bag of cherrios she joyously flung to the floor (where is Wallie when you need her??), as she squawks loud screeches that greatly resemble a dying cat.  Sometimes we have the coherency of mind to remember there is a world outside of our diaper-bagged, pile o’ onesies, toy-scattered bubble, and we actually ask how that person is doing in return.  Other times, I get home an hour later and realize I forgot to ask about their mom, or new job, or honeymoon, etc. One day, I will be thoughtful in a timely manner again.  For now, there should be a big orange blinking sign in the road that says “Expect Delays.” I digress. I figured an easy way to start the blog is to answer the question, for those who do in fact want to know, How Is Adalyn. Sheaff’s response is, “She is happy and super-actively-great.” I asked if he had any other sp...

A Blog

I’m pretty sure most blogs have a purpose.  Some sort of string that would hold together the loose and random beads that make up my thoughts these days. I would imagine that many parents go through something like this, where they want to express this journey that they are traveling. To vent on the days during which everything goes wrong; to smile about the days during which everything goes right, and to process the every-day in between.  You know, the blur of roadtrips with a baby, of trying baby’s first big kid food, of the lessons we learn as parents, the trials of naptime and bedtime routines, the milestones, the playdates and park visits and the insignificant details that currently make up the most significant thing we’ve ever done, which is to raise a tiny human while trying not to screw up too badly. One of my pet peeves about some of these blogs I read here and there is that they all sound the same after a while.  “Parenthood is beautiful, but parenthood is so...