
Showing posts from May, 2021

Fanny Pack

  I bought a fanny pack this year. I could hear the thirteen-year-old me through the waves of time, gasping in horror, rolling her eyes, and giving wild huffs of embarrassment, but the mid-thirty-year-old me is like YEEEEES, I GET IT MOM!!! Not just for the fanny pack. This year, I kept a note in my phone of all the things that I used to balk in teenager dismay, that I used to do the whole “Mooooooooom. That’s so embarrassing,” thing to. And now, this blog is to say: Happy birthday Mom!!! You were right!! I GET IT!!!  Here’s my list of straight up mom-isms, to which I have crossed over and seen the light: Why yes, wearing high socks does keep your ankles warm if you have regularly cold feet, even if you’re wearing shorts. Luckily the youths have started doing this too.  Wearing your sweatshirt inside out because it just means the next time it will be right-side in. I actually considered this logic last month, which means it’s only a matter of time.  Staying awake whe...

Dear Bria_6

  May 9, 2021 Dear Bria,  Dirtinger digger, worm rescuer, snacker of fruit, yogurt, and chocolate chips.  You are determined, kind, and the silliest of silly.  An almost night-owl, and slow riser in the mornings, demanding only the same small “elsa braid” to hold back that wild bed-head that is constantly your hair.  Busy, builder, champion of Uno and Go Fish.  You feel lots, and you feel it big, and you are not afraid to let your heart show – its blue skies, its stormy frustration, its rainy days. You share it all.  Queen of cotton dresses, a budding book worm, a glowing giggler in the spotlight, relishing its warmth and laughter.  You call “Come snuggle me, Dad!” at night and yell “Sorry Dave!” in board games.  A laugh that can’t catch its breath.  A toothless mouth.  A purple room. You wish we had named you Rosie, so you have named every worm and animal you hold Rosalina without question.  A sneakers-with-the fancy-dress kin...