
Showing posts from October, 2020

Dear Adalyn_8

  October 8, 2020   Dear Adalyn,   If you could spend the rest of 2020 listening to music, you would, bobbing your head and lip syncing in circles around the living room, leaping from chairs, and nailing the small sassy choreographed moments with total satisfaction.   With three loose teeth, but none quite letting go, your high-top flowered sneaks, and Hamilton trivia spewing at every turn, you are eight years old. 8. It seems so much older than 7, though I’m pretty sure I say that every year. We can tell that you’re crossing over, into that next phase of “kid,” when you’re just not little anymore. It gives me all the mama feels.   This year has been a bit of a rollercoaster. You had awesome Mrs. Thompson in first grade, where we had our Monday’s together and you loved learning about Arthur Ash and being in plays. You ran with Kevon, Isaac and Levi at recesses, claiming you weren’t sure if they were too wild, but loving it anyway. Then covid hit ...