Dear Bryce, Two years old. When we asked you today, “How old are you going to be tomorrow Bryce-y?” You said, “Wallie!!!” But you were very excited about it. You may find out one day that life with a 2-year-old is never dull. (Note: it actually can be very dull when putting together a puzzle for the 700 th time or naming the colors of 60 hot wheel trucks or pointing out every bug on the sidewalk). Sometimes in the midst of the chaos and physical demands and trying to keep up, I remind myself that you are our miracle baby. And aren’t we lucky to being living in this whirlwind that includes your wild, toothy, snuggly self in it. We had to check our hcg levels every 2 days when we were first pregnant with you. To see if you would stick. Then we got an ultrasound to see if an embryo was forming. Then a few weeks later, we got to hear your heartbeat. Erin’s office was amazing in that they encouraged us – knowing we had lost Abram and had multiple miscarriage...