Quarantine Archives (4.22.20)
They say we should be documenting what it’s like living in a pandemic so that one day our children can look back and read about what it was like. I’ve written a few pieces, but for the sake of documenting and having 'historical' archives one day, here’s a look into the Sheaffer life after almost 6 weeks of quarantine. God knows I hope I won’t be writing another one of these in 6 weeks, but only time will tell. It’s almost overwhelming to write about COVID and its effects, which for our family, are fairly benign. So many factors constantly run like a news ticker at the bottom of our screen: updates in the news….groceries…death rate… wearing a mask … homeschool plans … work to-do list…. local business…… what nonprofits need help …. Etc, etc, etc. Because it’s the easiest one to process: homeschool. Kids- I hope when you read this one day, you aren’t going to say “Oh this is when Mom really screwed us up.” I hope that comes later; you know, like your teenage years or so...