
Showing posts from February, 2018

Happy New Ye...err, February!

It’s always good when your goal is to write once a month, and you miss the very first month of the year. Apparently, it’s February! Like, multiple weeks into February! I’d love the excuse that I was working on other New Years goals (going to bed earlier, re-watching the original Star Wars, you know, big stuff). But really the only goal I’ve been consistent on is yoga classes at the Y. These alternate between lovely stretches and ambitious bending that makes one cuss calmly on the inhale and cuss less calmly on the exhale. We tried a family yoga with the girls while Sheaff played basketball one day. Bria mainly made pretend snow angels on her mat, rolled herself into at least 8 versions of burritos, stacked/restacked the blocks, and then re-burritoed. (Hide and seek, Mama!). Addie paid attention adorably for about 15 minutes and then crawled beside me to say, “I’m ready to go now Mom.” Genetically, we aren’t wired to relax purposefully, but it’s great to try! 2018 has been hoppin...