Dear Bria
May 9, 2017 Dear Bria, Two years ago, your dad woke up at 5am and started calling the hospital to see if any rooms were ready; it was time to meet you. We didn’t actually go to the hospital until about 3pm, and we walked around and around the block, hoping it would make inducing easier; it was 3 weeks before your due date. And it might have helped. The Pitocin sure hurt beforehand, but you were born at 1:24am: two pushes, and there you were. You are two, today. Two! It suits you, funny girl. You are eager and timid; you’re demanding and chill; you started out so small, and now folks ask us if you and Adalyn are twins because you’ve nearly caught up. Your words are starting to come, although you’ve invented some far-off translations (somehow ‘bosh’ is spoon). But you’ve come a long way from “doh,” your favorite word for most of Year One. You carry on conversations, complete with your signature “uh-HUH!” when we grown ups get something right. You love songs; you love p...