Sheaffer Family Update
Somehow, it’s the middle of February. I’m not sure when that happened. I figure it’s about time for a Sheaffer family update. I wish I had a super clever, less discombobulated way to throw our current lives into words, but alas, it ain’t happenin. Good thing I don’t teach writing or anything. Addie’s favorite past times are still mostly school, doctoring, and outfit changes, something she is now infamous for among those who spend more than 5 minutes at our house. While she fervently loves her fashion, socks with shoes is apparently The Worst, which is particularly annoying on cold days when we must both demand socks be worn and get to school on time(ish). At least the weather has been consistent for us. LOLZ. Speaking of climate change, Adalyn also recently discovered science experiments (Thanks Uncle Jordan/Tia) which coincidentally are really fun for adults too. Underwater volcanos that change colors?? Yes please! Additionally, Sheaff has learned nearly all the words to at...