
Showing posts from August, 2016

Summer Recap

Anyone who knows me knows that I’m an annoyingly big proponent of changing seasons, especially as the end of the current one approaches. And boy, is late August one of those times. The grass is dry; my plants so eagerly planted and loved those first months of summer are like “Sure, we’ll just wither away and die out here.” It thunders enough at the pool to keep kids out of the water but not enough to, I don’t know, rain!!!   I’m ready for school to start, and mornings to be chilly, and the haze of sweltering summer heat and mosquitos to lift. Given that Friday reads that it will be 97 degress, I decided I needed to step back from the cranky and push through with a positive attitude regarding summer. Therefore, a summer recap of all our goofy nutball kiddo updates will suffice!! That being said, I did sit down and try to think about what we actually did this summer. My brain is moving slower than that non-breeze. I think we did some stuff, and it was fun? Here is the list, ...