I Screen, You Screen....
When I was growing up, we had two screens in our house. One was the heavy tube television that sat in the corner of my parents’ room, and entering much later, was a computer on which we could play Reading Rabbit or occasionally Crayola Art for 30 minutes a day. The most technical toy I can remember was a phaser – yes, super cool…. the sound could be set on Stun *or* Kill. Hardcore. As a little kid, I was allowed to watch Sesame Street and Reading Rainbow, and would occasionally sneak-watch Star Trek, standing just outside my parents’ doorway when I was supposed to be in bed. We had TGIF and walkmans later, with the big chunky buttons to fast-forward through any commercials accidentally recorded on a mix tape. There were no iPads, no laptops, no smart phones, no iPods, no xbox; Nickelodeon and Mario Cart were outlandish treats at our friends’ sleepovers. We had toys, crayons, books, outside, and each other. No, we did not walk uphill in the snow barefoot to get to ...