
Showing posts from November, 2013

[Substitute for] Thirty Days of Thanks

Let’s be honest.  Sheaff and I attempting to do anything 30 days in a row would be laughable at the least. All of our brain power involving consistent tasks is now being directed toward bedtime, during which we have become more superstitious than baseball players, convinced that very small and random aspects of our routine play a part in Adalyn sleeping through the night.  Everything from the lucky onesie to which sound machine noise we put on to which book we read last (The Very Hungry Caterpillar, of course).  Soon we’ll be tapping a bat to our heel five times and spitting twice before laying her in the crib. Does it matter if we are successful? *sound of laughter* No, what matters is that we pretend like we have as much control as possible in order to hang on to that loose strand of sanity waving in the winds of parenthood. I digress.  As many of you may know, November’s Facebook Newsfeed is full of two things: men with frightening mustaches and thankfulnes...