
Showing posts from October, 2013

Little Monster

Halloween can evoke a lot of fears in people.  For some, ghosts and goblins and the grim reaper’s hooded figure. For others (ahem, Sox fans), umpires making ‘tricky’ calls in the 9 th inning of a tied World Series game.  I used to be afraid of the typical things. [1] Of bad guys, of horror movie scenes replayed in my head, of the serial killer who rode on trains that my brother warned me about, of spooky chills, and loud creaks upstairs where no one sleeps.  Well folks, I’ve gotta say.  I’m now afraid of a new monster at night.  And this one is far more ruthless, powerful, and downright scary. Her name is Adalyn, known to her late night minions as Fussy McNoCrib. I should preface this by saying that Sheaff, Wallie and I were spoiled positively rotten during months 3-12 of Adalyn’s life. She was a sleeping champ, and our bleary-eyed nights were few and far between, making us get down on our knees and give thanks to the Baby Gods for showing us favo...

Dear Adalyn

October 8, 2013 Dear Adalyn, One year ago, you were still Sparkle to most of the world. My belly still hid my view of my toes as it rolled with your flips and turns. Your nursery did not smell of poopy diapers, and we had 70% more brain power than our current mode of operation.  One year ago, we headed bright-eyed and clueless to the hospital to be induced, due to a lovely condition called pre-eclampsia. We proceeded to spend the day walking laps, bouncing on the ball, eating popsicles, cursing catheters (our friend, “George”), greeting your beloved people’s campground, and hoping to be more than 1 cm dilated.  One year ago, we learned that the labor-prep class was a load of malarkey when they broke my water and any pre-conceived notions I had about pain. One year ago, we didn’t know your face, your hands, your chubby little toes; we were still talking to the tumble of limbs through my belly, the roll of someone we couldn’t wait to meet. We hadn’t heard your v...