With yours truly being Adalyn’s primary childcare, Sheaff and I were pretty pumped to bypass the daycare drama, thinking mainly this centered around a lot of drop off/pick ups, an intense immunity-build-up-boot-camp, and professionals who were licensed to never, never to bake a shaby. We soon realized that if we had in fact planned to put Adalyn in daycare, we would have had to sign up approximately 2 years before we got married in order to ensure her spot. That’s right people, it’s a baby-eat-baby waitlisting world out there, and though we currently have escaped this for infant care, little did we realize that we are most likely already way behind the ball for preschool. Apparently, preschool is harder to get into than Yale, and if we cared about our child’s education at all, we should have put Adalyn on a preschool waiting list Yesterday. Baby Center, for example, talks about researching this thoroughly in our community and perhaps writing a letter to get into “th...